Estate Catalogues®


   "Estate Catalogues were
  instrumental in my family being
  able to organise the accumulated
  artifacts from 3 generations and
  pass on not only the objects but
  their stories to the next generation"

   Michael J Perkins TEP
   Perkins Fahey, Sydney

Our Clients


The multi functionality of our system see us working with a variety of Clients with very different needs.

Clients can be companies or groups wanting a record of their collections (e.g. artworks, antiques, etc.) however, most of our Clients are individuals wishing to have a pictorial account of their assets for one or more of the following purposes:


  • Conservation/Heritage
    To record for posterity the existence, provenance of objects which are part of the social history.
  • Estate Planning
    To clarify the origination and value of their “personal use assets” when doing an indepth estate review and to understand how the Capital Gains Tax may apply upon disposal.
  • Estate Distribution
    To clarify without any doubts the assets to be distributed to their beneficiaries. With the occurrence of split families, divorces and remarriages it is now a necessity to be more accurate and specific.
  • Bank of Memories and Wishes
    To assist individuals with debilitating health issues such as Alzheimer’s to record, in the early stage of the condition, the memories and history of their most significant “personal use assets” and to plan their distribution while they still have clarity of mind.
  • Proof of Ownership
    To have beautiful pictorial records of objects of significance, in case of loss (fire, flood, theft, etc.) or prior parting with the assets through a sale or a donation.