Estate Catalogues®


About Estate Catalogues


Estate Catalogues® is a boutique service with a unique inventory system which includes beautiful photography and the production of customised catalogues for the Client who needs to record the existence, the history and the value of his/her most precious “personal use assets”.

In addition to assist in preserving memories and history for posterity, our Clients also use their estate catalogues as briefs for taxation, insurance and even family property settlements issues.


Estate Catalogues
® was established by Lucie Bélanger its Principal. Her first catalogue was produced to act as codicil to a will which had several beneficiaries residing in various countries. It itemised personal use assets with individual photographs, detailed descriptions, beneficiaries’ list and notes for the beneficiaries. The catalogue was received with alacrity by the Client’s Solicitors who saw a compelling need for such documentation.

Since then, Estate Catalogues® documentation has been adapted to include voice recordings about provenance, forms for updates, valuation and cost base register. This means that Estate Catalogues® provides an asset and inventory management system:

  • to extend the family documentation
  • to assess the value of personal use assets
  • to assist in estate planning and distribution

Provision has also been made for authentication making the workbook catalogue the foundation for a formal, ATO compliant cost base register for Capital Gains Tax matters.